Köpoğlu is one of the most beloved and frequently chosen appetizers in Turkish cuisine. This unique dish combines freshly fried eggplants and green peppers with a flavorful tomato sauce and garlic yogurt, offering a light yet satisfying taste. Known as the star of appetizers, Köpoğlu brings a burst of freshness and color to the table.
Preparing Köpoğlu starts with carefully selected eggplants and peppers. These vegetables are fried in olive oil and blended with a rich tomato sauce. A generous topping of garlic yogurt not only adds a refreshing flavor but also enhances the overall aroma. While it may seem like a simple recipe, the use of fresh ingredients and perfect proportions is what makes Köpoğlu unforgettable.

The flavor it leaves on the palate is an unparalleled harmony. The subtle sweetness of tomatoes, the creamy texture of yogurt, and the mild sharpness of garlic come together to create a balanced feast of flavors with every bite. Köpoğlu can be enjoyed throughout the year, from summer evenings to cozy winter gatherings.
What truly elevates this dish is its perfect pairing with Rakı. The aromatic, aniseed notes of Rakı complement Köpoğlu’s refreshing and balanced taste, making them a match made in culinary heaven. A staple of Rakı tables, Köpoğlu is a favorite choice for lively, extended conversations around the table.
Experience Köpoğlu at Kepos Balık Evi and discover a new favorite to accompany your table!
Kepos Fish House
0 312 235 67 31